Capricorn Dessert: Goat Cheesecake Mountain


This is the twelvth creation in my zodiac dessert series where I design a delicious dessert for each sign.

This is for Capricorn.


A mountain made of goat cheesecake and browned butter gingersnap crumb.

In a Capricorn’s presence, you’re sure to feel their wise and stoic calmness. Symbolized by a goat, Capricorns are known for their slow and steady approach to conquering the mountain of whatever achievements they set their mind to. Their calculated, practical and pragmatic attitude means they climb on the beaten track and with only the necessary items - no bells or whistles, this cheesecake doesn’t need it.

When surveyed, Capricorns opted for creamy desserts that weren’t too sweet. Cheesecake only requires a few simple ingredients (don’t worry, I kept the receipts to write off as a business expense) at a specific ratio, which eases their mathematical minds. This is not a dessert, or a sign, for risk taking. Elements of this earth sign are brought in with browned grass-fed butter and ginger root cookies, acting as a solid base for our sturdy and stable mountain. These flavours are reserved and held back, just like our deadpan Capricorns. Cheesecake is dependable and never disappoints, after all.