Jam Pop Tarts with Beet Pastry


Once I made pop tarts for a friend’s diaper party and I got a call at 1am from many drunk adult men screaming at me saying they loved them.

If you have a bunch of odds and ends of jam in your fridge, this is the perfect was to use them up. All you need is a spoonful in each pop tart. You could even use nutella or lemon curd! This recipe uses my pink pie crust recipe but you could swap with your favourite pie crust recipe or store bought. Make your own sprinkles like these with my Homemade Sprinkles recipe.

Jam Pop Tarts with Pink Pastry

Jam Pop Tarts with Pink Pastry


  • 1 recipe for Pink Pie Crust
  • ½ c jam
  • ½ c confectioners sugar
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Sprinkles


  1. Complete recipe for Pink Pie Crust
  2. Remove your pie dough from the fridge. On a well floured surface, roll out the dough until it is ⅛ inch thick, trying your best to keep it in a rectangular shape. Create a paper template that is 3 x 4 inches. Using a ruler and knife, cut the dough into as many rectangles as possible. You can press your dough scraps together and re-roll following the same process. You should end up with 12-16 rectangles.
  3. Take one rectangle and add 1 tablespoon of jam to the centre. Spread out and leave at least a ½ inch border. Using a pastry brush or your finger, add water around the edge until it’s tacky. Add another rectangle on top, and press the edges down with your fingers. Cut the edges so they are straight, and then press around the edge with your fork. Put your pop tart on your baking sheet with parchment paper, and repeat with the remaining rectangles. Using a pastry brush and remaining beet juice, brush the surface of the pop tarts to remove flour residue and tint the top layer to be more pink. Using a fork, add some holes in the top of the pop tart to allow steam to escape. Chill in the fridge for 20 minutes.
  4. Preheat the oven to 350. Bake for 16-20 minutes or until the pastry is crisp and puffy.
  5. Mix icing sugar, vanilla extract, and a splash of water until fully smooth. You can add more water if it’s too thick. Once the pop tarts are cool, decorate them with glaze and sprinkles of your choice. Enjoy!
dessert, snackEm Lawrence